Thursday, October 30, 2008

November 4th meeting

Do we want to meet at my house to give Jim a break? I live about 5 minutes from him - near the intersection of Morris & Comanche. Let me know and I'll give directions.
Happy Halloween! Alli

Thursday, October 23, 2008

young adult conference in Albuquerque

Check this out... I think it would be a good thing for as many of us to go to as possible. These are great speakers and the principles will apply to whatever group of people we work with. It's 60 bucks a piece, but I am working with them to see if we can get a group rate or something. Let me know if you are interested in going.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

great quote

The perfect church service would been one we were almost unaware of. Our attention would have been on God. C.S. Lewis

Monday, October 13, 2008

Location update for 10/14

Patti will be running close on time tomorrow, so let's meet at my house instead this time. Most of you know the way but here are the directions.

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10004 Matthew Ave NE: from Eubank and Candelaria take Candelaria east. Turn right (south) at the second street, Christine NE. Turn left at the first street, Matthew Ave NE. We're the first house on the right (10004). My red Ford Escape will be in the driveway.

This week

We are on chapter 29 of 2 Chronicles this week. I was very enlightened by chapter 28 and I know 29 will not let me down :) Just a reminder, we are meeting at Patti's house at 7:30... looking forward to it!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Second Chronicles Reading

Just a reminder to everyone that we will begin our worship study reading Second Chronicles, chapter 28. My recollection is that we will study a chapter a week of 2Chron to the end of that book and then we may turn to The Acts of the Apostles or another Old Testament book for more study.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Big Idea to Consider

I'm wondering about something. This may sound crazy, so bear with me, please. In past years a youth director friend of mine and I have considered what it would be like to spend a night with the homeless folks in downtown Albuquerque. A couple of years ago I asked a few men at St. Stephen's to consider spending a night out with me, but got no takers. It is a crazy idea after all.

I am wondering if any or all of us would be willing to consider spending a night outside with folks in downtown ABQ, perhaps over Thanksgiving weekend? A homeless ministry I have worked with in southeast Ohio does this on Good Friday night and they call it a Fast from Shelter.

I have never been able to shake the idea that I have no idea what a homeless person really has to experience. One night is a taste only, it proves nothing. One night could, however, bring us closer to the Jesus who spent so much time with those on the outside of society.

This is an uncomfortable, unusual idea, I know. Can we get closer to knowing what exile is through such an experience? Would we develop a deeper sense of thanksgiving through it? Thoughts?

Directions to Patti's

Here are the directions to my casa!

From Central and Tramway. Go one block east to 4 Hills Road and turn right (you will go behind the Smith's) as you come up the canyon/arroyo stay in the right hand lane, there are a few turn offs, just stay in the lane. At the top of the hill the road "Y's", but your in the right lane so just continue to the right. You will go through 2 stop signs, they are kind of far apart. After the 2nd stop sign you will immediatly go through an arroyo, take your first left. You are now on Matador. Our house is up on the right...the address is

1012 Matador Dr SE

It is the just to the west of the 2nd house that's for sale.

See you on Tuesday!!! My home phone number is 294-5430, if you get lost!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Liking what is going on...

Just wanted to say, I'm feeling better knowing that the next few weeks, at least, we have a direction. I was feeling lost. For me personally, it will be good to find out why we are named "X-ile" and where that name came from. Thanks everyone!!!