Monday, September 8, 2008

With a longer view down the pike

We're not ready to take this far yet, but we will eventually need to consider how we'll handle our offerings to God and neighbor through the community. The Relational Tithe may be a good source of ideas, if not a structure from which to build. Here's a link to their principles of giving . We could register our own relational tithing group on the website, linking us in solidarity to the other groups as a network, not as a binding relationship.

We'll need to work on becoming a recognized non-profit organization. The paper work is fairly straightforward.

Again, this isn't something we need to act on immediately, but it will need to be addressed eventually. Our finances are part of our spiritual response to God's blessings in our lives and must have a plan/goal. This is a place to begin the conversation.


Alli said...

Yup, I know we discussed "tithing" when we were first getting a feel for the whole X-ile concept but I have to admit that I get anxious to even consider it right now.

I won't be able to be with you all on the first Tuesday of doing what we've been talking about but I will be praying hard for you. I'm both really excited and somewhat anxious about the idea of actually stepping into all this. It should be so &^%* easy - why does it feel scary at all??? Hopefully, I do it every day, all the time without a thought. Maybe I'm linking it too tightly with "church" and because it's not controlled or planned and it's all up to God in my frail person to make it happen? My deal is just getting used to speaking my faith (or not when the situation calls for me to shut up) to people who don't know me very well. The "non-negotiables" was an exercise in just that. We need to take even the simplest expressions of faith and translate them into what's real for people. In my case, merely saying that I feel that something's true feels lazy. "God is love." seemed to be a simple expression that most people can relate to but I know friends and family that don't know what that means and further, it feels like a boundary to them.

Worship to me - where we are in the process now, is really not about activities but more about a state of being present and in community with our group and other people. That's what I thought after the meeting on Sunday. I'll miss you on Tuesday. Hope someone grabs the mike and goes crazy! Alli

rev. dr. todd said...

Great stuff Alli! I agree with you in many ways and I appreciate your input! Thanks... you are a true asset to our community!

Jim said...

Oh, Alli. You are right on target in my book. Yeah, there is something scary to trying to "do" worship without all the trappings we are accustomed to. I agree. I will choose to be excited by that rather than scared off, and I think we're all of the same mind on that.

Don't let the giving thing be an issue for you right now. We're not ready to do anything about it yet. My prayer is that in worshiping God in new ways, our eyes, ears, minds and hearts will be open to doing more than we thought possible before.

Ditto to Todd's remarks. We are blessed to journey with you. May your trip be productive and safe.